Mataroa supports Markdown in the blog posts body. Markdown is a very simple formatting language.
One can use asterisks between words for italics.
One can use *double asterisks for bold letters.
To display an image (such as the above dot), write:
Write a link like this: website link for it to appear like this website link.
Headings on markdown are defined in a hierarchy of 6 levels. Heading level 1 is the main title, heading level 2 a secondary, under level 1, heading 3 tertiary under level 2, et al.
Each level is defined with the number of hash signs as prefixes. Eg:
Markdown Guide or ## Italics.
Monospace font
For a monospace font use backticks
; it will appear like this.
Line breaks
To change lines without changing paragraphs, one can add two spaces at the end of the line, and then continue below. Example:
0:00<space><space> This is the second line Footnotes
To add a footnote, use the following notation:
On the main text, just after the word you want to have the footnote superscript, add a word as reference, eg: 1
At the end of the post, add the footnote content, on its own line, as such:
When saved, this will automatically create the numbering and make them links. NB: the square brackets, the caret, and the colon are important parts of the syntax.
In-page links
Every heading has an anchor automatically attached to it. For example:
Footnotes is #footnotes
Table of Contents is #table-of-contents
One can create markdown links with the anchors as targets. Eg: Bold will become Bold. This enables jumping between parts of a single post and can be used to create a table of contents as well.
Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born on October 25th, 1881. ↩